Non-Newtonian Fluid!

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Saturday 16 October 2010

Dilapidated Cities...

After reading 'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep' I produced a sound piece based on the beliefs of Phillip.K.Dick. I decided that in reply to Dick's dreams of what the future would be like in 1992, I should use the sounds of electrical items from around my household today in 2010. So I went around with a Dictaphone recording technology in use, such as CD-Players, DVD Players, Games Consoles etc.

Dick believed we would have flying cars and electric animals in today's age and I thought it would be interesting to record the actual sounds from the future. After the recording I wanted to take my idea of using technology further. I came up with the idea of looking at how quickly new tech is produced and how quickly older things become pointless debris.

I began destroying old tech and photographing it and I thought that the fact I created beauty from old motherboards was great, they began to look like run down cities almost like I imagined in the book. From here after experimenting with different ideas I came across non-Newtonian fluids and that's where I find myself now...

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